Legislative Update – Week of February 21

The Goveor’s Budget address was a primary focus for the last week in Springfield.  The speech was relatively short – lasting only about 25 minutes.  Much of the speech was spent on the need for further job creation in the State and a significant portion talking about the Goveor’s proposal to “restructure” the State’s debt with a bonding plan to pay off currently unpaid bills.  Republicans appear to disagree with the borrowing plan, as it was proposed, and are calling for additional cuts in the state’s spending.


Committee hearings have been ongoing and bills are beginning to move out onto the floors of both chambers.  The House and Senate both passed legislation that deals with “hold over” appointments to agencies, boards and commissions throughout state govement.  The focus of the bill will push the Goveor into making appointments to these entities and not to continue to utilize appointees from the previous administration. 


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