Looking to Volunteer with ICEP?

councillor/alternate councillor is a key participant in the leadership and development of ACEP policy. The councillor represents emergency physicians from their respective component body (chapter, section, AACEM, CORD, EMRA or SAEM).

Councillors have the responsibility to voice the concerns of their constituents on the floor of the council meeting and in reference committees. Councillors can also express the will of their constituents by the execution of their votes for or against resolutions and by electing the president-elect, Board members, and Council officers at the annual meeting. Alternate councillors are also key members of ACEP leadership. An alternate councillor may assume the duties of a councillor when so directed by the constituent delegation, with proper credentials.

Councillors are elected by the ICEP Board of Directors and serve a term of 1-year.

Nomination Deadline: February 29, 2024

Click here to submit.

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ICEP - Illinois College of Emergency Physicians 2001 Butterfield Road Esplanade I, Suite 320, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Telephone: 630.495.6400 | 888.495.ICEP 

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